I meant to do this last year, but never really got around to it. I thought I would give it a go this year! Here are the top 5 most popular posts on this silly little blog. Thanks so much to everyone who follows along with our family!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Merry Christmas!
I know it's a blurry photo but it still melts my heart. These two were so excited to come downstairs on Christmas morning and see what Santa left for us. Drew's cute little face sneaking around our banister is just so awesome. Hope all of your Christmas' were magical.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Cardboard Gingerbread House and Gingerbread Men
Another super simple Christmas craft here!
We made gingerbread people and a gingerbread house using cardboard cutouts and puffy paint.
I cut some shapes from a packaging box we had handy.
And Anna used lots of puffy paint to dress up her people.
I finished off our little house since she was running out of steam (and puffy paint).
They took about a day to dry...obviously! But we had fun making them!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Peppermint Pretzel Pops
These little tasty treats are so easy to make but so yummy! Both of my kiddos helped me make them for a cookie party this past weekend! Seriously....so good!
What you'll need:
Pretzel snaps
Hershey kisses (we used the candy cane kisses and regular milk chocolate)
Red & green M&Ms
Preheat oven to 175 degrees.
Place a piece of wax paper or parchment paper on a cookie sheet and lay out your pretzel snaps.
Top each pretzel with a hershey kiss.
Bake in oven for about 5-6 minutes but keep a close eye on them. After the first batch I found that the ones in the back were way more melted than the ones in the front so I started rotating my pan about 3-4 minutes into the baking.
After about 5-6 minutes remove from the oven and place an M&M on top of each kiss.
Cool in the freezer for about 10 minutes and you're ready to go!!
Happy baking!!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Christmas Tree Name Craft
This little Christmas craft is similar to the rocket ship craft we did a while back. It's pretty simple, but great for preschoolers who are learning to spell their name or love to write their name.
I started by cutting out triangles of similar size on green construction paper.
Then I had Anna write one letter of her name on each of the little triangles.
I handed her some glue and she got to work putting her name together and building her tree.
I made one for my little guy too and he got to smear glue all over the place so he was happy.
We topped our trees with a little star and put them up in our window!
Christmas is getting closer!! So excited!
Monday, December 17, 2012
DIY I Spy Christmas Ornaments
I searched and searched for what Anna and I could make her little friends for Christmas and I finally found the perfect gift....thanks to Pinterest!
These I Spy ornaments are just too darn cute. And they are so easy to make!
Anna and I had a lot of fun filling up the ornaments with cute little Christmas goodies...and Anna really enjoyed just playing with all the little pieces.
I found all of the little goodies in the Christmas section of the craft store. The store is kind of picked over right now, but they do have everything 60% off so you might just get lucky!!
We used clear plastic ornaments instead of glass since I knew they would be getting lots of handling from little hands.
I used a funnel to pour in filling beads into each ornament. The filling beads are actually the same little beads they use in stuffed animals and other sewing projects. They are with the batting and stuffing at the craft store.
I hot glued on the lid after we were finished to make sure all the little goodies stayed safely inside.
And then Anna called out all the little goodies inside the ornament and I typed up a little list to attach to each ornament!
We made a couple extra to keep her and some to give to our neighbors!! It's a perfect gift for a preschooler!!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Christmas & Winter Crafts for Kids
We are in the full swing of Christmas here! I'm busy working on my December Daily album and we are jet-setting up and down the east coast to visit friends and family. Lots going on and so little time! We've managed to fit in some fun Christmas crafts and activities but I haven't found the time to upload the pictures yet. Hopefully soon. In the meantime, here are some crafts from last year to tide you over! (You know...for the all two of you who read my blog!) Links are after each picture.
Hope you all are in the Christmas spirit and are enjoying life as much as we are!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Christmas Bingo & Books
One of our Christmas advent activities was to play Christmas bingo. I found these cute printables on Pinterest and thought we could incorporate our Christmas books with our bingo game.
Each person got a bingo card and then either Daddy or myself read one of our Christmas books. After we went over all the pictures on the bingo card together, we listened for the words in our stories. Just like in regular bingo, we used little counters to cover the words we heard while listening.
It was so much fun to sit around the table, read books and play a game that my 3 1/2 and 2 year old can actually "play". Anna "got" it much more than Drew, but he stuck right with us playing with his counters and listening to the stories!
Print some off and play with your family tonight!! Make some memories!!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Button Christmas Trees
We're totally in the holiday spirit at our house! Our tree is up and decorated, our lights are up outside and even our little dollhouse is all Christmas-y! No wrapped presents under the tree, though. I don't trust Drew! He will have those open in no time flat!
Anyway....Anna and I made these cute little button trees today using green felt trees and some buttons I had around the house.
Right now they are just sitting on the table. I'm thinking of stuffing and sewing them up to make little ornaments! You can never have too many homemade ornaments!!
Happy crafting everyone!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
DIY Christmas Gift Ideas
I always love homemade gifts. I love making them and I love receiving them! Right now I'm busy working on a special little gift for a special little two year old.
Here are some of my favorite homemade gifts. Links to each gift is below the picture. You have plenty enough time to make something homemade for Christmas!! Get crafty!!

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