Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby Activities - Pasta Fun

Little Man is loving our box of dried pasta right now  (my recipe for dying pasta is at the end)!!  He will literally sit and play for about 15-20 minutes at a time (which is an eternity in baby years). 

He loves to scoop the pasta out and dump it in the bowls.  I keep several different types of spoons in our box (measuring spoons and cups and ladles), as well as several different size bowls.

And he loves to play in it with his hands making one big mess.

We also have several containers with pop off lids in our pasta box, which he loves to fill up, close and shake.

It's messy, but he really enjoys it!!

Here's my recipe for dying dried pasta:

Dried pasta of various shapes and sizes
Food coloring
Rubbing alcohol
Ziploc bags
Baking sheets
Wax paper
Paper Towels

Pour all your pasta into one bowl to mix up the shapes and sizes (unless you only want to dye one color per one pasta type).  Portion out your pasta into your Ziploc bags.  Add about 2-4 TBSP rubbing alcohol (depending on how much pasta you have).  Add your food coloring to your color preference.  (Note: for the pasta above, I used A LOT of food coloring to about 3 TBSP rubbing alcohol.  I wanted very vibrant colors).  Let your pasta soak in your rubbing alcohol/food coloring for about an hour (the longer they soak the more vibrant the colors will be).  Once you are satisfied with the color, dump bags onto baking sheets layered with your wax paper and paper towels.  I use the wax paper to keep my baking sheets clean.  Most of the liquid will absorb into your paper towels.  The colors will darken as the dry.  Mix all the colored pasta together, add some bowls and spoons and enjoy!

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