Friday, June 8, 2012

Invitations to Play - Week in Review

We are still rocking the invitations to play at our house!  I love setting something up for the kids while they nap and they love looking for "something fun" when they get up!

The funny thing is....we are using all our stuff.....nothing new, nothing purchased.  Just our toys.  These invitations keep our "old stuff" fun and new!  And I love that the play activities keep them busy for quite a while.

Click here to see the post this week about our DIY Table Top Easel!

Click here to be taken to last weeks post that includes all our invitations to play.

And are you following Playing House on Facebook?  Click here to "like" us and follow along!


  1. I really like these invitations to learn. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to force my baby to play a certain way, but this allows kids to explore how they want. Thanks.

  2. I love all your ideas, thanks for sharing! Where did you get those mini vehicles, I love the colors.
