Friday, June 1, 2012

Invitations to Play - Water Fun

It's not even summer yet, but it has been blazing hot here.  My two love being outside so I decided to make this week all about water and fun!  All of these invitations were quite a hit around here.  The mermaid lagoon is probably my daughter's absolute favorite thing ever.  She's obsessed with mermaids.  All of them, though, were loads of fun for the kiddos!!  

(To find out more about the idea behind invitations to play, check out The Imagination Tree)

We did this activity last year as well.  Check out this post to find out how I put this sensory tub together!

These fun play ideas will definitely be in our weekly mix of activities!!
What about you??  How are you going to keep cool this summer??

Here are more of our invitations to play.  Click on the link below each image to be taken to that post!!

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