Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Foam Shapes, Water and a Window

This was an activity I sat out as one of the kids "invitations to play" a few weeks ago.  Both my three year old and one year old had so much fun playing with the foam shapes and water that it definitely deserved it's own post!!

I love activities like this because they allow so much room for creativity and design with little ones.  I initially cut out a bunch of shapes for them, but as they were playing around, my daughter kept requesting more and more and more.....and it just got more and more fun!  

I leave this activity out in our playroom all the time now and it's a frequent play option for them.

So simple, but so fun!

Just cut out a bunch of shapes from foam.

Hand over a cup of water and a paint brush.

And let the little ones play and create!

Keep your scissors handy, because, if your kids are like mine, they will have tons of ideas for you!!

To see more of our "Invitations to Play", click here.
To learn more about the idea behind them, click on over to The Imagination Tree!

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