Monday, April 4, 2011

Tot Trays

Here's are the trays Sweet Girl is working on this week.  I didn't have a theme in mind so I just picked things that I know she enjoys and things I want her to practice.

Pouring colored pony beads
Pouring is always a favorite at our house!

Tonging bugs
I found this cute little bug container, tong and bug set at the Dollar Store guessed it...$1!  I think she'll enjoy it!

Lacing a fish
Lacing is still a little challenging, but we keep working on it!!

Hard and soft sort

Spooning wooden beads

Balancing marbles on a peg board
This is probably Sweet Girl's favorite.  She asks for it almost every week!!

Tot School


  1. These bring me back to my days working at the Montessori Preschool. Super cute ideas!

  2. Hi Stephanie, I just wanted to let you know. I tried one of your ideas and posted it on my blog. I also link it back to your blog. Thanks so much!

  3. Dang, she is going to have the BEST fine motor skills of any two year old in the world! Hahah! I think the lacing thing would be great for my son...I'm going to have to make one!

  4. Hi, I'm visiting from Tot School. Thanks for the great ideas. I just started using Tot Trays so I'll incorporating some of these into our routine soon.

  5. Hey I want to thank you so much for the ideas. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog it has been so helpful with the 20 month old foster daughter that we are caring for. Thanks a million
