Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Momma made....Make-up

Sweet Girl is a "girly-girl" for sure!  She loves everything "girly" including jewelry, shoes, clothes and make-up!  As soon as she sees my make-up bag she wants EVERYTHING in it...brushes, eyeshadow, lipstick...  So, for Christmas I decided to make her, and all the other little girls I know, their own make-up.  I had so much fun making these and all the little girls, including Sweet Girl, loved them!! 

Don't they look so real???

Sweet Girl loves to put her make-up on her dolls

Yep...she's a "girly-girl" for sure!!
(And just fyi...the band-aids are a Sweet Girl fashion statement.  That's right...she even accessorizes with band-aids!!)

I'm happy to do a quick tutorial if anyone is interested in making these for your favorite "girly-girl".

I'm linking up to....


  1. These are so very cute! What a neat idea for pretend play!

  2. That is a very cute idea :) I'm assuming it's not actually able to be put on? That would mean less mess :)

  3. Hi Stephanie! I'm so impressed with your blog. You are so clever! I really enjoy checking in, seeing photos of your beautiful babies and getting ideas for fun activities. I would love to know how you made those makeup palettes if you get a chance.

    Take care! XO, Kristen

  4. Thanks Anneabell! @Ani...they are made with foam, so no mess at all!! Perfect for little toddlers! @Kristen...send me your address and I will mail you some! I have some let over from Christmas!!

  5. So fun! I'd love to see how you made them!

  6. That is SUCH a cute idea! I totally needed that when my daughter was that age! ;) Now she's old enough to know the real thing! LOL!

  7. I don't have any girls, but I got a niece and another on the way - and some other adorable girls in my life and would love to make them this - Please post the tutorial if you get a chance!


  8. Thanks for your interest!! I will post a tutorial next week! It's so simple!

  9. Oh, PLEASE you have to do a tutorial! I NEED to make this for my niece. And, although I maybe shouldn't admit it, my 3 yr old son would have a ball too. :)

  10. such adorable pics! memories to cherish forever!

    check out the giveaways I am having on my site.
    A chance to win a fairy silhoutte tee from Elizabeth Horton.sizes(18M-8y).

    $15 store credit to select any hairband and clips from LiaGeneFab11

  11. I came to you blog from a link up somewhere, I totally fell in love with your idea and HAD to make some for my 2.5 year old. She loved them so much, she threw such a big fit when it was time to go to bed that she got them taken away. Until I get home from work today, (and it gave me a good reason to take them to work to show them off). I posted pictures of them on my Facebook page, and everyone loves them, can't believe that they are pretend. Thank you so much for the inspiration. I love it.

    Oh and I love the Band-aid fashion statement

  12. I have wanted to do this for quite a while for my little girls, did you make a tutorial for it? I love how real the makeup looks!!! You did a great job.

    1. Hi Lisa! I did make a tutorial for the cute little makeup! Check it out here....http://playinghouseinmaryland.blogspot.com/2011/03/momma-mademake-up-tutorial-giveaway.html
