Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Painting in the Rain

It seems like most days lately have been rainy and dreary.  And since we could go play on the playground, we decided to take our arts and crafts outside.

This is a simple and fun little activity...and it involves rain boots and an umbrella.  What kid doesn't like that??

Here are the supplies we used:
Food coloring
Paint brushes (if you want)

Start by drawing all over your watercolor paper with your crayons.

Then grab your rain boots and umbrella and head outside.

Set your pictures out in the rain.
(I put mine on a cookie sheet just so we could pick them up when we were done.)

Watch and wait....

Eventually you will see your colors start to blend together.  It took ours a little while....basically it almost stopped raining by the time we got outside.

And if you want....you can add a few drops of food coloring to another piece of watercolor paper and watch the colors spread and mix as they get wet.

Don't forget your paint brushes.  I guarantee your little one will ask to paint it!

Nothing too fabulous, but definitely something to do on a rainy day!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun activity!

    Came here by way of ABC and 123 Show and Tell. My post is here: http://likemamalikedaughter.blogspot.com/2012/05/enchanted-childhood-playschool-may-7th.html
