Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Family Thankful Board

This month my husband and I wanted to be sure to remember all of the things we are thankful for in our lives.  Originally, we had decided to just make sure we talked about what we were thankful for each day, but after seeing this gratitude board I knew I wanted to keep a running list all month long!!

I used a piece of poster board and a frame we had sitting in our basement.  I added the word "thankful" at the bottom of the frame and our pictures at the top. 

We talk daily with Sweet Girl about what it means to be thankful and ask her what she is most thankful for that day.  The first day she said "privacy"....yes, in, "would you like some privacy (while using the bathroom).  I'm pretty sure she didn't really understand the meaning, but it was a great start to our board!!  The second day she said she was thankful for our neighbor's playground.  I think she's starting to get it!!

My husband and I are writing our own, but we are both adding in the kids comments (minus Little Man....we are just "guessing" his...mostly consists of things like Momma, Momma, pacifiers, Momma, Momma, yogurt melts, Momma).  We are also using different color of pens since I have our board is going to fill up quickly!!

1 comment:

  1. love this sweet idea-especially because you can save and look back from year to year.
