Monday, September 5, 2011

Toddler Art - Homemade Puffy Paint

We had so much fun making and playing with our own homemade puffy paint the other day!  This stuff totally took me back to my childhood.  I completely remember doing this in elementary school! 

I followed the recipe on The Artful Parent.  Sweet Girl mixed everything together.  Then we added our different colors of food coloring and poured them into squeeze bottles.

It's neat to see the diminsion in the paint...for me, at least....I don't think Sweet Girl even noticed.  She did have tons of fun squeezing the bottles, though.  That's all that counts!


  1. What a fun activity! I've never made this, but hope to this week after seeing your post!

  2. We are definitely going to try this in our classroom this year!

  3. Oh my gosh, that looks like SO much fun!!! So, it dries all puffy!?! Oooh, I think we'll have to do that today for sure. Heading over now for the recipe! Thanks for sharing, my dear! Have a great Labor day! :)

  4. Thanks for the idea! My daughter is a little too young, but my 3-year-old niece is coming over tomorrow so we're going to give it a try!


  5. I love this idea. Looks so fun. Thanks for sharing the link.
