Friday, September 9, 2011

Rainy Day Fun

I am a total home body!!  I would be in absolute heaven if could just stay inside and craft all week.  Sweet Girl, on the other hand, is a go-go-go kinda girl.  She loves getting out of the house and running around!  But...on rainy days when we're stuck inside, she can get a little stir-cray.  Between the hurricane and crazy rains we've had recently, I feel like we have been locked inside.  Here is one of our favorite ways to get out some energy!!
The handy-dandy air mattress!

Yup...that's Sweet Girl LAUNCHING herself onto our air mattress.  I blow it up right in our living room and let her bounce away.  It's kinda like our own cheap version of a bouncy place. 

That face says it all!!!

Other indoor favorites:
Kicking around balloons and balls
Blowing bubbles
Red rover
Hopscotch (I make our hopscotch with blue painters tape on the floor)

1 comment:

  1. My kids love jumping on those, too! Only mine get scolded for doing it! HAHAHHA! Maybe I'll start being nicer! She looks like she's having the time of her life! Who needs Disneyland, right? :)
