Saturday, April 9, 2011

WOW!! 100 Followers and a Giveaway Weekend!!

Oh my!  I can't believe my itty bitty little blog has over 100 followers!!  I am truly honored that so many of you follow along with our lives!! I totally love blogging (it's kinda addictive, you know!!), but what I love even more is browsing all of YOUR blogs!!  There are so many creative and fun mama's out there.

To thank you all for following me AND for sharing all of your wonderful ideas, I have decided to have a giveaway kind of weekend!!

First up.....

My Busy Box!!!
That's right... your very own busy box!!  One box full of activities to keep your little one occupied while you drink that cup of coffee!

We LOVE our busy boxes and use them ALL THE TIME!!  Seriously!  Sweet Girl asks for them almost everyday and I love to watch her just sit and play with the items in the boxes (um...I know I should be taking advantage of that "free time", but geez...she is just too cute!!).

It's soooo easy to enter to win!
1. Follow me and my itty bitty blog and drop me a comment letting me know you follow or a new follower
2. In your comment....tell me your favorite "quiet time" activity for your little one.
(This giveaway is for people with US or Canadian mailing addresses only.....a GREAT BIG sorry to my international followers!!  I wish I had enough moola to send one to you too!!)

It's that easy!  This is a quick little giveaway, so be sure to post your comment by 12pm tomorrow (April 10, 2011).  And check back for ANOTHER fun giveaway tomorrow!!


  1. I am a follower and my favorite quiet time activity for is coloring books. The little boys I babysit for will just sit and color for quite a while.


  2. I have been a follower :) My little Grace (19 months old) loves to "read" her board books and color with markers!!

  3. Hi Stephanie, I'm a follower and would love to enter your giveaway. My two have different favourite 'quiet time' activities. My nearly four year old has a favourite book series that she's addicted to and can spend an hour or more independently reading it to herself. The 12 month old loves to sit on her big sister's chair to draw with our bulky homemade crayons.

  4. Hi there. New follower here! Favorite quiet time activity here is reading books. On a good day I can often find my little ones flipping through books on their own, or my older one "reading" to the younger one.

  5. Hi there! I follow (well, had you bookmarked and checked in often), have for a while, tho just officially clicked the "follow" button today.

    My favourite quiet time activity is little people. My little lady can get lost for ages with them... giving me time to tidy the kitchen AND have a few moments to myself.

  6. Ooh! How fun! I've been a follower for a couple of months now and love getting new ideas from you. I think right now our favorite "quiet" activities are reading books and putting together puzzles. It's hard to call them "quiet" when you've got two toddlers in the house! LOL

  7. Congratulations on 100 followers! I have been a follower of your wonderful blog. My favorite quiet time activity for my daughter would be books. She loves interacting with and talking about books!
    ~ Mrs. Mc

  8. How fun! I could sure use something like this for church to help get the kids through sacrament meeting! Our favorite quiet time activity is just drawing pictures! My kids LOOOOVE to color. I love it, too. :)

    Oh, and I follow. And love it. :)

  9. Fun giveaway! I am a blog follower. I think I may have made my way here through No Time for Flashcards.

    Lately my daughter's favorite quiet time activity is puzzles. They are pretty much the only thing she will initiate work on for an extended period of time by herself.

  10. I follow your blog! My daughter's favorite quiet time activity is to draw/paint with the color wonders!

  11. I am a new follower but I have been subscribing to your blog via google reader. my fave quiet time activity... is my son ever quiet??? I pull out some printables from brown bear, brown bear, what do you see and have him look at them. but he talks a lot so its still not quiet ;)

  12. I am a follower and my daughter's favorite quiet time activity is cutting and pasting...she's very good at it I might add! :)

  13. I follow your blog!!!!

    Our favourite quiet time activity is books and more books. She cuddles up in her Elmo chair and will be there forever. She just got a Leap Frog pen and is loving how she can listen to the stories all by herself.

  14. I'm a follower! My favorite quiet time activity is seeing my little one look at a bin of books on her own. :)

  15. I'm a follower. My favorite quiet time activity is getting a huge sheet of paper and letting them go wild with the crayons

  16. Congrats on the 100 followers-Wahoo!!! Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful ideas-we use them weekly! I've also started following the blogs you follow as well in order to get more great ideas for our little toddler school =) Anyways, my little girl (21 months), Amelia Grace, loves to read-especially her Bible! I love to watch her cuddle up in her own little comfy chair with a great big pile of books. She loves to read to our dogs as well! She also LOVES stickers-can't get enough of them! She loves to sort them, too! Another 'quiet time' activity that I take full advantage of is our IPAD-amazing she knows how to work it better than I do! When heading off to take a shower, Amelia asks to play with her 'apps'-it's allows me to shower undisturbed! What a rare thing!
    Thanks again!
    Mia's Mommy (Rebekah)

  17. Congrats on the 100 followers-Wahoo!!! Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful ideas-we use them weekly! I've also started following the blogs you follow as well in order to get more great ideas for our little toddler school =) Anyways, my little girl (21 months), Amelia Grace, loves to read-especially her Bible! I love to watch her cuddle up in her own little comfy chair with a great big pile of books. She loves to read to our dogs as well! She also LOVES stickers-can't get enough of them! She loves to sort them, too! Another 'quiet time' activity that I take full advantage of is our IPAD-amazing she knows how to work it better than I do! When heading off to take a shower, Amelia asks to play with her 'apps'-it's allows me to shower undisturbed! What a rare thing!
    Thanks again!
    Mia's Mommy (Rebekah)

  18. I'm a new follower! My 11 month old's favorite quiet time activity is flipping through her board books. She occupies herself for a lot longer than I thought she would at this age, just quietly turning the pages and looking at the pictures. It's wonderful :)

  19. I follow your blog. Love your great ideas!

    Our favorite quiet time activity is doing puzzles. Alex loves his foam ABC puzzle and his Melissa and Doug Pattern Blocks.

    Thanks for the great giveaway and congrats on 100+ followers!

  20. I'm a follower! My daughter is just a tad bit older than yours so it's really fun to see your great ideas! Our favorite quiet time activity around here is tied between reading books and coloring.

  21. I've been a follower for a little while now.

    I'll admit quiet time is tough to come by in our house. I've got 2 active little boys (33 & 14 months). We have some success with books, but mostly what works for my oldest are puzzles or building things.

  22. Fun! I'm a follower of your blog. Wittygrl19 at

  23. Hmm, my son doesn't seem to have "quiet time" activities! He's a go go go-er right now. :) His favorite thing to do right now is to lay on our bed and gaze out the window and point to cars, people, ducks, etc. and yell "HI!" as they go by. :) Wittygrl19 @

  24. 100 followers...way to go!! I am a newer follower and so glad I found you:) My four year old's favorite quiet time activities are doing puzzles, practicing writing his letters, reading books. My three year old likes to play with his figurines or stuffed animals or build something. My 10 month old is only quiet when he is sleeping:)

  25. Old follower.
    We love reading. My son has his favourite books that we read almost every day. The iPad is also a huge hit. He has way more apps on it than I do.

  26. I'm a follower and love stealing your ideas! :-) Congrats on growing such a great following - your blog is fantastic.

    One of Maddie's favorite quiet time activities is drawing - with markers, crayons, do-a-dots, or her latest - a paintbrush dipped only in water. ;-)

  27. New follower! Love all the great activity ideas on your blog. My 2 year old's favorite quiet activity is making puzzles!

  28. I am now a follower. I have loved your site for a while but never followed since I don't have a blog of my own. I would love to win a busy box! I have a 20 month old (girl) and my second (boy)is due next month so I don't really have any quiet time activities yet but need to come up with some fast! Thanks for a great giveaway and congrats on 100 followers!
    tiffany.nigro at yahoo dot com

  29. I am a follower!!! My favorite quiet time with my three little ones is cutting and gluing!!

    Congrats on the followers!!!


  30. I just discovered your blog, but I've added you to my feed. Our favourite quiet time activities are reading, and playing at the (makeshift) water table.

  31. I am a follower! I really love all your creative ideas. I love it when my girls do art projects (lately we've been doing stuff with foam stickers) together. That tends to be a quiet activity at our house. I also love to hear my 6 year daughter read to my 3 1/2 year old daughter.


  32. I am a follower. I think my 2 year-old would love this and mommmy too. Her favorite quiet activity is play dough.

  33. I am a your blog almost every single day. LOVE this idea! I like to keep things put back for my girls that they don't know about and "surprise" them...this busy box is perfect. :)

