Thursday, March 10, 2011

Story Time!

We read TONS of books in our house.  Sweet Girl loves to curl up in the big rocking chair in her room, cover herself with a blanket and just read book after book after book.  It always amazes me how she remembers titles and knows the words that go with the pages in the book.  Recently I stumbled upon a review for Storytelling Fun over at Counting Coconuts and couldn't wait to join in the storytelling fun. 

Storytelling Fun offers large and travel size felt boards, as well as cut-outs for a variety of different stories. 
This is our Itsy Bitsy Spider felt set.

Sweet Girl loves the pieces that go with the story.  Sometimes she recites the story all by herself and sometimes I say the story and she points out the pieces.  Actually seeing and holding all the different felt pieces adds even more language enrichment to our story time.

Here is Old MacDonald Had a Farm.

You can't really tell in this picture, but she is singing the song and putting the animals on the felt board!

So much fun!!


  1. Love the felt storytelling sets! Just wondering if the board in the pictures is the travel size or large size? Thanks!

  2. @Mandy Jane...We have the travel size felt board. I think it's the perfect size for Sweet Girl! :)
