Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Momma made....I Spy Book

I saw this awesome idea for an I Spy Book over at No Time For Flashcards and I knew I had to make one for Sweet Girl!!!  I had so much fun gathering her toys, making the different page layouts and then photographing the pages.  Sweet Girl really loves looking through the book and was really surprised to see HER TOYS in there.  It's been fun helping her try to find the different toys!

Here are some pages from our I Spy Book....

This is the cover of our book.  It's just a plain photo book.  I used our ABC stickers to spell "Can You Find"

This is probably Sweet Girl's favorite page because it has her dolphin, duckie and turtle!

Gosh...do we have enough farm animals???

I spy with my little eye.....Little People!

I love this page!!  It reminds me of the movie ET!!!

Here are some other great I Spy things to make for your little one!!
I spy bottles from Counting Coconuts
I spy mat from I Can Teach My Child
DIY Eye Spy Book Tutorial at No Time For Flashcards

Do you have any more I Spy ideas????


  1. LOVE THIS!!!!! Such a great idea!

  2. This is so cute! My little one would love it. I am a new follower! Found you on the show and tell linky party!

  3. I keep meaning to make one of these! They are so adorable. I'm new to the blogging world too:) I'm your newest follower, and would love for you to visit ...& Faux Pearls and check out my toddler crafts and follow back!

  4. I would love to make a book like this for my daughters - thanks for sharing!

  5. So adorable! My husband's cousin introduced me to your blog and I am super inspired! I was just wondering if you could tell me where you got the idea for your cupcake memory cards??? I want to make some! My email is monica_sing07(at)hotmail.com I would be so thankful if you would help me figure out how to make them!

  6. I love this and I'm so excited that see if here on your blog...we are going on our first family road trip this summer and it's going to be 2 full days in the car...so I've been brainstorming of ideas to keep my girls busy...this is one that I had thought of, to make an I Spy book myself using their stuff and taking pictures myself...love this!


  7. YOU ARE AWESOME!!! How fun is that?!!! I love it!

    I'd love to have you link up to my For the Kids Friday Link Party! Stop on by!!

    :)rachel from SunScholars.blogspot.com

  8. Thanks for sharing at the For the Kids Friday Link Party! I look forward to having you back this Friday!

  9. Hi Stephanie!
    I'm featuring your awesome idea on For the Kids Friday this week. Make sure to hop on over and grab an A++ feature button. I'd love to have you link up to this week's party while you're there!


  10. Nice job, I am totally going to make one! Come visit us at www.bookwormfun.blogspot.com
