Friday, February 25, 2011

Toddler crafts - Week in Review

It's that time again!!  Here's what we were up to this week!

Sweet Girl said her doll needed a magic wand, so I went to my go-to site for crafts (No Time For Flashcards) and found this super cute and super easy magic wand.  I didn't have a dowel handy, so I used a chopstick.  And I also used sticky-backed jewels instead of glue because I knew Sweet Girl would want to play with it right away!  She loved it and kept waving it around, saying "make a wish" (I wished she would stay this precious forever!!).

Sponge shape painting
Super easy craft!  Just cut a sponge up into different shapes.

Shape collage
I saw this neat idea at Let's Explore where you cut up different shapes and have your kiddos make shape collages.  We are all out of glue at our house (eek...I know!), so I decided to cut our shapes out of sticky foam.  I put the stickers in a serving dish and set them out on Sweet Girl's little table.  She literally did this activity all day!  She would put a few on, go play, come back and do some more, etc.  I love how she grouped the different shapes together!  I think I'll definitely make this a routine activity at our house and maybe just switch the type of "stickers" out.  I know the Dollar Tree has lots of foam sticker choices.  Hmmmm...must go shopping!

Here are all the cut up shapes in the serving dish (dish is from the Dollar Tree).  The empty middle part was for the "trash" since she had to peel off the backs of the foam stickers. 

Triangle shape fish
I saw this here and thought it would be fun to do since we were talking about shapes this week.  It was WAY too complicated for Sweet Girl and I ended up doing the majority of it (minus the two random triangles and the pen markings).  Regardless, we got to talk a lot about triangles and size. 

D is for....dinosaur tracks
This was really fun and definitely much more age appropriate for Sweet Girl.  We pretended the brown paint was mud and the blue paint was water and made dinosaur tracks.  Afterwards, she had a little practical life lesson and got to wash them off in the sink (i.e. play with water as I washed them off!!).

D is for....shape dinosaur
This is from Now I Know My ABCs over at Totally Tots.  It was perfect for our week since we "built" our dinosaur out of all different shapes.  Sweet Girl insisted the four legs HAD to be together!! 

I'm linking up at ABC and 123 this week.


  1. What cute ideas! Good luck with the blog. I've only been blogging a few months myself. :)

  2. Thanks Kristi! This blogging thing can be incredibly addictive!

  3. Love the dinosaur and the triangle fish! So cute. I found your blog from the No Time for Flashcards link up. I'm over at:
    if you want to check out my blog.
