Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Momma made...Quiet Book

I started working on a quiet book for my kiddos when I was still pregnant with Little Man.  I am very much a novice when it comes to sewing, but I have always wanted to make one.  And, leave it to me to decide to start with the ENTIRE ALPHABET.  What was I thinking?  It was definitely an involved project, but I loved every minute of it (and am planning on making more too)!  I hand stitched each page, but did use my sewing machine to sew the pages together.

I found an awesome pattern for an ABC Quiet Book at this etsy site and decided to give it a go.  The site has amazing options for quiet books and the directions for making the books are very detailed and instructional (even for a beginner like me). 

Here are some of my favorite pages:

The dog is a finger puppet and the dog food comes in and out of the bowl.

The mailbox opens and closes and there is a little letter in the mailbox.  This is Sweet Girl's favorite page...she loves the letter (and calls it "email")!

The bows untie and you can play with the hair.  (Sweet Girl doesn't know this yet!!).  And the yellow square for the ice cream is actually a pocket where all the ice cream scoops and cones are stored.

The eyes around the buttons can be removed and the owl's wings open and close.

And here is the amazing cover!!  I have to give all the credit to Shelley from Shelley Wallace Designs, though!  I wasn't able to sew all the pages together with my sewing machine and I was terrified I would mess it up if I tried to hand stitch it together, so I contacted her and she graciously offered to do it for me!  She is so talented!!

What about you???  Have you ever thought about making a quiet book for your little ones??

I'm linking up to....


  1. WOW!!! Your Quiet Book is AMAZING!! I am not the most patient crafter in the world. I can only imagine the love and time that went into this. Thanks for sharing the link to the Etsy store. Great shop!

    Stopping by from Show and Tell.


  2. This looks so great! I keep thinking I should make a quiet book, but I'm a little bit daunted by all the detail that has to go into them. Great job!

  3. That turned out great. I started one of these years ago and have yet to finish it. I'm your newest follower. Be sure to stop by my blog Monday and add your project to the More The Merrier Monday Link Party.


  4. I love this! And your busy box ideas! (Although I got distracted by this post and didn't comment on your other post.)

    Hope to see you around blog land!
