Wednesday, February 16, 2011

ABC Fun - Letter C

We are working on letter "C" and it's sound this week!! 

Here is our Alphabet Sensory Bin.  It's full of colored alphabet pasta, lots of uppercase and lowercase letter c's, two cupcakes, a piece of cake, a crab and a card. 

I also made a cupcake matching/memory game over Christmas that fits perfect with this week's letter!  They were so fun to make!!

Sweet Girl is using them as a matching game this year, but I plan on pulling them out once she is a little older and trying a memory game.

We have lots of "C" crafts and activities planned this week as well!!  Check back at the end of the week to see the fun!

The Attached Mama's Alphabet Craft Collection


  1. I like the idea of making an alphabet sensory box! I've never done that...think I may have to start! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Soo cute, Stephanie! Love the fresh ideas, and my girls are benefitting big time! We have already dyed our rice green for St. Patty's day!

  3. Thanks Pam and Heather for the sweet comments!!
