Friday, October 14, 2011

These are the moments...

I want to remember these little moments forever!

There is truly nothing sweeter than seeing your two children play together.  The love they have for one another (even at this early age) is unbelievable.  No one makes Little Man laugh the way Sweet Girl can!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Paper Plate Cat and Pumpkin

Here are a few more fun paper plate crafts we have done this season.  I didn't have my camera handy while we were making these, so this is a picture of them sitting up in our kitchen window.

For both of these crafts, I cut the pieces out while Sweet Girl painted the paper plates.  Then she glued them on in whatever way she wanted. 

We actually ended up making three pumpkins and two cats so our kitchen is quite a sight right now!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spooky Spider Craft

Going with the Halloween spirit, we made spooky spiders the other day.  It's amazing to watch my daughter's skills develop over time.  She is much better at painting a complete surface, has so much more fine motor skills and really does a great, precise job with the glue.

For this simple craft, we started with a paper plate, which we painted (purple, of course.  Aren't your spiders purple???).

Then I let Sweet Girl add the glue for the googly eyes.

While she was putting on the eyes, I finished cutting out the eight legs for our scary spider.

Then she glued them on.  This turned out to be pretty tricky because of the rim of the paper plate.  It might work better if you used a thicker piece of cardstock or even cardboard.

And there you have it....a VERY spooky spider.   :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week In The Life

I've been busy working on our Week in the Life album and I am so in love!! 

For anyone who doesn't know what Week in the Life is, you just have to stop whatever you are doing now and go check out Ali Edwards blog!  She is absolutely amazing and so inspiring! 

I'm not much of a scrapbooker, but I do enjoy taking lots and lots of pictures.  Which....has led to lots and lots of pictures on my computer and external hard drive.  I struggled for a while trying to figure out what in the world to do with all these pictures.  I make an occasional picture book from SmileBooks or something and also have a few baby books in the works, but it was the "everyday" stuff that I couldn't figure out what to do with.

In comes the amazing and talented Ali Edwards.

After stalking her blog and being bummed that I missed this years Week in the Life, I pulled my head up and decided I would just go ahead and do my own Week in the Life book! 

The process was time consuming, but the end result is oh so worth it!!

And that's what I've been busy doing!!  Now I'm hooked!  I have big plans of a December Daily book this year, as well as the beginnings of Becky Higgins Project Life next year.  And finally....I feel like I am doing something with all these pictures!!  Yay me!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apple Tree Craft

Here's another fun apple craft we did this week.

I cut out the trunk and top of tree and Sweet Girl glued them down to her paper.

Then she added little dots of glue for her "apples".  I was so impressed with how much  more control she has with a bottle of glue, as well as how focused she was.

Next she placed her apples on her tree. 

Here she was adding branches to her tree.

And just like most things we do, she wanted to make a second tree after we were finished so we used red dot stickers as our apples this time.

Her apple trees.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall Leaf Wreath

Fall is by far my favorite season!  I love it weather, colorful leaves, football, sweaters, jean, anything pumpkin...  Today Sweet Girl and I made the most beautiful Fall wreath for our house. 

We used liquid water colors to paint coffee filters.  We used primarily fall-ish colors, although purple did get thrown in there per Sweet Girl's request.  I think using water colors on coffee filters is fun for little ones because the water spreads the color so quickly.

After the coffee filters were completely covered we set them aside to dry.  It doesn't take long...only about 20 minutes or so.

Then I folded up the filters several times and cut our leaves out.  So pretty!  Even the purple leaves look pretty!

I cut out the middle of a paper plate and then Sweet Girl helped me glue on the leaves. 

Ah....the beautiful colors of Fall!